I believe in you, do YOU?


I have been teaching Life Design for over twenty years and I have seen many lives change and blossom. I believe you can be one of them.

You are here because something about your life just doesn’t feel right. That is the very same reason why I started this journey many years ago. I was checking all the boxes, trying to fulfill all the expectations of what it was supposed to be. However, I wasn't find any joy or deep purpose in what I was doing. 

If this is true for you, then it is time to create a life that will bring you true happiness.

In this 5-week course I will guide to rediscover your true nature and overcome the limiting beliefs that have blocked it so far. I will teach you how to harness the creative power of the Universe to realize your full potential, and I will help you to create a plan to make it a reality.

Enroll now!

Vanquish Limiting Beliefs

Identify and re-pattern the limiting beliefs that block your progress to a fulfilling life.

Discover Your True Life Purpose

Discover that what actually brings you joy is what you are meant to be doing.

Join a Community

Become part of a supportive and inspirational community  that, like you, have chosen to design their life.

"I had an enormous breakthrough during the course with Paula. She has helped me to see how shame, which is a lie told by others, had been adopted by me as my own belief system and how it made me feel small and restrained in life. 

Now that she helped me to become more aware of my negative beliefs, and to understand the mechanism behind them, I chose my thoughts and actions more wisely in my daily life. This resulted in better relationships with other people, the feeling of joy, sense of freedom, accepting myself more fully and unconditionally and the courage to pursue my dreams.
I highly recommend this course with Paula if you'd like to learn more about yourself and your life patterns and get guided through the process of becoming a more true version of yourself and how to live your life purposely.  I enjoyed every single group session with Paula. She is compassionate, fun, gifted and highly talented teacher."
Tatjana A.

Course Contents

Week 1  - Your Nature

In the first module of the course we dig in and discover what truly makes you –– you.

Many of us we have hidden this part of ourselves. It's time to clearly see what  drives you and gives purpose to your life. Get ready to be seen!

We will also start to carve away fixed ideas and patterns that you have inherited from your childhood. In this section, you literally begin to design your life the way you choose it to be.

Week 2  - Living the Life of Others

In this module we explore your shadows. These are parts of  you that you have felt you needed to hide.  Because they are part of the "whole you", when you push them away "you" become fragmented –– no longer whole.

However, these pushed aside parts block your progress by acting out, often getting in your way just when something big is about to happen. 

Together we will meet your shadows, understand why they are there and bring them back into the whole of who you are, making you complete again.

Week 3 - The Field

In the third module of the course, we begin to explore energy. You will come to understand that everyone and everything is energy.  You will also see that your mind is your greatest tool, when used correctly, even though at the moment it might be your worst enemy.

 You will learn how to focus the mind on what you want and not on what you don't want. When you harness the power of the mind, you can do anything!  

Week 4 and 5  - The Plan

In the fourth module of the course, you will create your plan. You will design and step by step plan and put together a team that will get you where you want to go.

Whether that is a new job, the love of your life or anything in between, this process can get you there. I can tell you from experience, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Enroll now!

All the Tools You Need to Manifest the Life You Were Always Meant to Live 

Detailed meditations 

Movement & Breath

Video & Audio library

Private Group

Weekly live call


Start to Design Your New Life Now!


Your Life Design toolbox features: 


  • Recorded video and audio tracks to work at your own pace
  • Worksheets to enhance your focus and analysis
  • Lots of resources to expand and deepen your process
  • Live weekly sessions
  • Daily insights and inspiration to keep you motivated
  • *BONUS* 6 additional months of weekly live video group sessions worth US$ 960!
  • *BONUS* 2 months free membership to Paula Tursi's live yoga and meditation classes  (value US $150) 
  • *BONUS* 2 additional months membership to Paula Tursi's weekly live meditations and extensive meditations library (worth US$ 80.)


Enroll Now!